Melanie Mandl
Melanie Mandl works in a variety of medias, including painting, sculpture and video installation. Her paintings are typically three-dimensional. The viewer is encouraged to see them from different angles, so that the imagery is revealed to them as they move past. Using stop motion animation, she has created site specific video installations in a similar format.
An accomplished filmmaker, Melanie has made film shorts like Silent Moon and her music-inspired project, Run, an animated narrative about loneliness, and anxiety. Run would go on to receive an honorable mention at the USA Film Festival in Dallas, the White Sands Film Festival, and would win the award for Best Music Video at the LA Film Festival.
Melanie's work is dark and quirky, often exhibiting a wry sense of humor. There is a subtle, whimsical tone that underpins her pieces creating a feeling of wonder and loneliness. These emotions are seen in the palette she chooses and her sculptor's sense of texture. Her cinematography is deliberate and methodical. Stop-motion animation and puppeteering contribute to Melanie's general storytelling aesthetic; her work has the quality of fairytales that collide with technology.